Information about Life, Disability, and Health Insurance Houston Residents Should Know
Whether you need individual or group insurance, Houston customers need to learn more about what’s available before they can go shopping. With all of the insurance talk right now, it’s pretty easy to forget what you need to buy in order to protect yourself and your family. To make things easier, you might want to learn the basics of the menu of insurance possibilities. The good news is that when you need insurance, Houston businesses and individuals can find something for every situation.
Life Insurance
When choosing life insurance, Houston residents should realize that not all policies are created alike. Depending on the purpose for the insurance will determine the amount, type, premium structure and cash value. There are a wide range of policy amounts as well as payment plans. For example, if the life insurance is going to be used to protect a certain asset for a certain time frame you might elect to purchase a guaranteed term product, which has less up front premium costs. When you have children you may want to purchase some term life insurance to get them grown, but also purchase some permanent life to either pay estate taxes or to create an estate for your family.
In addition, life insurance is often priced according to your current health habits as well as past (and present) medical conditions. Thus, if you have a lot of medical issues, you might have to pay higher premiums than someone who is basically healthy.
Disability Insurance
In terms of disability insurance, Houston residents are woefully unprepared. No one really thinks about what will happen if they become injured permanently. But if you can’t work, how are you going to provide for your family? To make sure your family doesn’t suffer, disability insurance helps to protect your income. This long term or short term insurance can allow you to continue to pay your bills without worrying about getting another job or extending the burden to other people in your family. Disability insurance is especially important when you are self-employed or when your family relies on your income to support them.
Health Insurance
Most people already know a bit about health insurance. Houston companies and businesses offer it to full time employees, but have you taken a look at what your policy actually includes? A solid policy will not only contain basic medical coverage, but it will also cover dental costs. You might also want to look into insurance which can cover long term care costs as you age. This is a newer addition to the health insurance market as people have longer life spans and the medical community continues to find breakthroughs for once fatal diseases. This kind of insurance will make sure you get the care you need, whether it’s in-home care, nursing home or rehabilitative care.
With all of the kinds of available insurance, Houston residents need to know that they are covered no matter what happens in their lives. Though we don’t like to think about illness or death, much of the time, these events are out of our control. By finding insurance that can cover our financial responsibilities, at least that part of our lives can be worry free.
Individual Benefits include health Insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, long term care insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, retirement planning and annuities. We represent all the major insurance carriers. Our goal is to provide the best service to you, our client.
Individual and Family Health Insurance may not be for everyone, but it does fit a certain niche market. Whether the reason you are looking for individual health insurance is because your Cobra premiums are too high after leaving a job, or if you are self employed or simply because your group health insurance rates are not affordable for you or your family doesnt mean you don’t have any options when it comes to health care.
Let Hodges & Company help you find the best plan that meets your needs and budget.
We will shop all the major insurance companies plans and explain to you the differences between them.
We can be contacted at 713.993.9710 or toll free at 1866.993.9710.
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